Alliance Christine O’Donovan Middle Academy, also known as O’Donovan, is located in the Hyde Park neighborhood of South Los Angeles. O’Donovan is conveniently co-located with Ouchi High School, together forming the Ouchi O’Donovan 6-12 Complex.
O'Donovan’s mission is to provide its students with a safe and supportive learning environment that fosters academic excellence, social responsibility, and college readiness. We meet the developmental needs of the whole student to promote higher education and beyond.
Our strong community of educators and families empower our scholars to be accepted into and persist through college. It takes all of us.
We believe in an inclusive environment where all learners have access to rigorous, grade-level content in a safe environment. We aim to ensure that all scholars at O'Donovan feel seen, heard, and supported in their learning.
O'Donovan's Special Education Program and English language development program is comprehensive and commits resources to support our scholars' diverse needs.
School size
450 scholars (grades 6 to 8)
1. Academic Development: each scholar receives at least one academic check-in where the scholar has a one-on-one meeting with a school counselor to review current grades, transcripts, academic expectations, A-G requirements, and GPA.
2. Social-Emotional Wellbeing: we provide classroom guidance lessons that teach students the skills necessary to manage emotions and maintain healthy relationships. For those students needing more support, we offer individual and group counseling.
3. College & Career Readiness: all scholars use the online platform, Xello, a tool that scholars use to begin exploring life after high school. Scholars take surveys that help them research the careers they are interested in, and the different colleges they can attend.
Zachary Perkins has over a decade of education experience and a track record of results. He started his career in education as a teacher in New York and when he returned to Los Angeles to teach he joined the team at Alliance Ted K. Tajima High School. He enrolled in Alliance’s Aspiring Principal Program and took the reins as Assistant Principal at Alliance College-Ready Middle Academy 4. He is currently the principal of Alliance Christine O’Donovan Middle School.
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Complete steps 1 and 2 then press the submit button. To be considered for the lottery, please submit your application by the due date listed at Applications received after the due date will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis if space is available. Information about the lottery will be provided by the school. This form does not guarantee enrollment. | Complete los pasos 1 y 2, luego presione el botón de enviar. Para ser considerado para la lotería, envíe su solicitud antes de la fecha de la lotería indicada en Las solicitudes recibidas después de la fecha de vencimiento serán aceptadas en orden de llegada si hay lugar. Información sobre la lotería será proporcionada por la escuela. Esta forma no garantía inscripción. |
"(Required) / (Obligatorio)" indicates required fields
After the lottery deadline, the school will inform you on the status of the application. For questions call your selected school. If your child is placed on a waitlist, your contact information may be shared with other Alliance schools that have open seats. | Después de la fecha de la loteria, la escuela le informará sobre el estado de la solicitud. Si tiene preguntas llame a su escuela seleccionada. Si su hijo/a esta en una lista de espera, su información puede ser compartida con otras escuelas de la Alliance que tienen lugar. | |
Alliance does not discriminate against any person based on the actual or perceived characteristics set forth in Section 220 of the Education Code, including disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, immigration status, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. |
Alliance no discrimina a ninguna persona en función de las características reales o percibidas establecidas en la Sección 220 del Código de Educación, incluida la discapacidad, el género, la identidad de género, la expresión de género, nacionalidad, raza o etnia, religión, orientación sexual, estado migratorio o asociación con una persona o grupo con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas. |